Ok folks, here's the disclaimer; I'm not here to write about anything trendy or sexy, and this I say mostly to remind myself. Following Jesus isn't sexy, as a matter of fact, it turns out this thing requires some sweaty, gritty effort. Ok so hard work could still find appeal in our performance driven society, but mention the word suffer and here is where I nix sexy. As Christ followers we’re destined to face suffering, according to Jesus himself and a host of other writers found in God’s word. From a modern day voice, Beth Moore puts it in her Daniel bible study, “it’s not a matter of if suffering happens, it’s a matter of when”.
Following the results of Rosyn's last EEG, May 28, we received the most welcome news that she has finally been stabilized (0 seizures, and 0 continuous frequencies). We praise God for sustaining our family, for the work of His hand, we praise Him for respite, we praise Him for answered prayer, we praise Him for the extraordinary band of believers who championed us on, we praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness to us, we praise Him for how He loves and we praise Him for WHO HE IS! But, after break through comes or in the case where it never does, what about the suffering bit? If we commit to be fully devoted follower's of Christ how do we embrace suffering when it opposes every natural choice, want or desire? I think if I could ask Jesus face to face he might wrap me up in his wise words and say; 'though this road will be marked by suffering, I will carry the load, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light, come and seek me for I want your whole self; your heart, mind, soul, and strength'! The answer may just be, though we will find suffering in this journey with Christ, the exchange is JESUS himself.
Nathan and I have lived a little life, we’ve had our own individual messy pasts, and together we’ve experienced and walked along side loved ones who have been thrown into the trenches of pain, suffering and death. I’m talking about some real-life blows we would not wish upon anyone. And these ‘now’ moments where I find myself in the throes of answered prayer, good news and miracles of plenty I cannot forget the suffering, not simply because it's so fresh the taste still lingers, but because of how Christ has proven himself completely worthy of my trust! I would say in these last four months with our Rosy journey, we have encountered some times of suffering and I have never worked harder to practice my faith and trust in God nor have I ever experienced more of Jesus himself as a result. Though we do not seek out suffering, there is an unexpected treasure found when you travel down it's road; the raw, exposed, pungent and perfect love of a cross-hung-savior.
Miracles of plenty! Zoe Faith |
Suffering for Christ is denying the nature of how one would normally be disposed to cope with a situation. For example in the face of the recent ongoing serious health concerns for my daughter, with out Jesus showing me the way, I was prone to feelings and actions filled with anger, bitter-doubt, cynicism, blame, envy etc. (Pardon my confession if no one else can relate!) To suffer in the way of Christ, I had strength to respond differently by the gift of grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank God for this person He sent to help me, for it is by no credit to myself I was able to feel peace, thankfulness, hope, power, strength, joy, motivation, and deep lamenting God filled sorrow and grief. This journey has been far from picturesque, and thankfully I'm glad to say Jesus does not ask for perfection, simply a willing heart; for as my husband would say we definitely do not bat a thousand!
I’ve been asking God how I can bring the most glory to His name in the light of our good news; would it be by proclaiming the work of His hand over Rosyn's physical healing, would it be by testifying that the prayer’s of the righteous are indeed powerful and effective? Or in this call to steward the sheer grace we've been given, could the heart of the matter have more to do with testifying about the person I encountered, about WHO Jesus is, so that others may know, my faith is not built on if Jesus did or did not heal my child, but upon His name alone?
I’m challenged to my core with a great responsibility to make the name of Jesus known – to proclaim I serve a God who gives and takes away – yes – but will never leave me or forsake me – no. I serve a God who will walk with me in the valley of suffering and on the mountaintop of happiness. In the contemplation of how to communicate our story, this thought dropped into my heart, glory will not be given to Jesus by proclaiming how he has served me – his glory will be made known by telling other’s that by choosing to serve him in the pit of suffering and hard times I experienced a God who was enough for me! Glory to his name would be given if people could hear and know that in the pain of suffering and in the joy of good news, Jesus is enough, his love is pure and his presence is real, his compassion is tangible and his comfort is overwhelming. From our story we will proclaim we live life simply by the grace of God and on top of that stands a free invitation to do life along side the perfect creator, to find care under the shadow of His wing. This is an invitation to any old sinner, to be real and honest and completely transparent before him with all of life's grapplings, but also, to give Him our heart in return for the grace of life – and He will grant us, in the good and the bad, a life abundant with peace and overflowing with purpose!