Saturday, February 15, 2014

Just The Ordinary

A heart can never quite beat the same way again after offering God the opportunity to liken it's rhythm a little more to His. My wish would be to transmit to you every last drop of Gods good glory that transpired throughout our journey in Thailand, though I know that to be an impossible task. And so my intention is to share some small fragment of what we were privileged to experience.

Our journey began like any other ordinary season of life; sprinkled with a good degree of challenge and seasoned with excitement and anticipation of the road ahead. The context of our trip was also quite average; a missions team sent out into the developing world of the 10/40 window, consisting of eight students, five staff and two kids. We (the fam) would join the team for the first five weeks in North East Thailand at Elisha Children Home. At this location our objective as a team would be to come alongside the children's home and local church (located on the same property) and serve the surrounding community. As staff of the Discipleship Training School, the primary objective of this outreach would be to help the eight individual students navigate their field experience as they put “theory into practice” from their 12 week lecture period.

This trip was not over planned by any means nor did it appear that it would fall apart at the seams - it was simply ordinary; five willing staff hoping to be used by God and longing to see freedom settle into the lives of eight students. If there were ever a time I've been thankful to be so strikingly ordinary it was outreach, for it left no room to claim any part in the transformations that began to emerge among some of the students. As staff our hearts were willing (to the best of our ability), prayerful (at times), sacrificial (somewhat), servant hearted (with effort), and exemplars of grace (when we remembered). God asked us to journey with Him and take His hand – for it is by His strength alone we would make any mark for His kingdom. So yes we gave it our best shot, but God gets the glory here and it was Him alone who put to work His transforming power! We saw students start living out the gospel, dying to self and serving each other, laying down desires and wants, even needs, coming last instead of first, acting honourably, with noble and pure intentions - all in submission to Jesus, whose example they followed. Those five weeks we witnessed a brief glimpse into the fresh journey for these few students. There was no state of perfection that had finally been attained or some level in which they were now deemed better people, but there was light, the light of Christ shining through their words and deeds.

And this is what we have felt so called to - the part we signed up for – to see hearts radically transformed by Gods grace - because we believe God is worth rewriting your life for.

This being my first time as a staff on a missions outreach has taught me more than I can even process. But for right now I'm being impressed upon to remember that God values the person and the heart and the relationship – the journey - above any product or achievement or standard of excellence. I saw this lived out so clearly as we served and witnessed members of our team touched by the heart-transforming power of Jesus Christ. I hope to cling to what God has taught me – care for His people just as He cares for me – just as He died for my life because He loves me! Jesus sought to meet the woman at the well, to call Zecchaeus down from the tree, to teach His young disciples the way. He longs to have our hearts, not the product of our hands, and in the midst of our day in day out ordinary walking with Christ God showed up on our outreach in Thailand. Five weeks in rural Thailand lends a lot of time to think about what we could have/should have done differently, how could the trip have been better; what could we do to improve. The fact of the matter is we did what we could and GOD SHOWED UP – regardless of our skills or talents or preparations – He came and the fruits of transformation is the story I share and the hope that I offer! Christ has the power to change your heart, give hope to your future and to re-write your life for eternity!

Philemon 1:6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Hewbrews 5:5 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been temped in every way, just as we are...Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
